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VIS ENERGIA adopts the universal concepts of Sustainability. The central idea is that it is possible to balance the existence of mankind and its sustainable development based on available natural resources. Everything that is taken from nature – if not replaced – will end at some point in time. Hence, we must give back to the planet as much as we take from it. The Brundtland Report, published in 1987, says that Sustainability is “to fill the needs of the present generation without affecting the capabilities of future generations to fill their own needs”. This is the commitment of VIS ENERGIA.
So, the concept of Sustainability is closely related to material and economic development without aggression to the environment and to the intelligent use of natural resources, in a way that their future offer is maintained at adequate levels.
The feasibility of Sustainability requires the adoption of actions that ensure in the medium and long range, the existence of a planet fit to sustain the development of its several forms of life, including mankind. Such actions must protect the natural resources necessary for next generations: forests, vegetation, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc., and offer good quality of life for future generations. Exemples of sustainability actions include:


  1. • Controlled exploitation of forests and other forms of vegetation resources, ensuring their necessary replanting;

    • Preservation of green areas that are not dedicated to economic exploitation;

    • Incentive to the production and consumption of organic products that offer reduced impacts to nature and health benefits;

    • Rational, planned and controlled use of mineral resources – oil, coal, minerals;

    • Energy generation from renewable and clean sources to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and contain air pollution;

    • Personal and corporate actions geared at the recycling of solid residues to increase income generation and reduce the volume of residues in the environment and the need for extraction of mineral resources;

    • Personal and corporate actions geared to the controlled consumption of water, to avoid wastage and pollution of water resources;

    • Management of companies geared to the elimination of waste and development of low energy intensive products.